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Thank you so much for finding my page! I hope you ENJOY what you read here and get inspiration from it, as that is what the object of this blog is for!!

I will pull a daily angel and tarot card and help you with whatever problems/troubles you may be having and that you seek GODS guidance on!!

Thanks again for locating me and have fun browsing my blog!!


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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hi there all!!

Depiction of a soul being carried to heaven by...Image via Wikipedia

Just wanted to pass the angel card along for today!!  It is the following:


The Archangel Azrael is saying you are a natural counselor and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance.  This shows that you have a very very strong desire to help people and that it is grained into who you are as a person.  You are someone that people TRULY listen to when they need answers or a friendly ear to listen.

This is saying that if you have that and you like to do that, to take up this particular field as it will help you feel more fullfilled and more enlightened that you are helping people that just don't seem like they have anywhere else to go or to turn.
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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hello my tarot card for tonight is...

Tarot card from the Rider-Waite tarot deck, al...
Image via Wikipedia
Hi all!!  The Tarot card for today is the following:


This means a renewal in something.  This to me is saying that if we are on the outs with someone or that we haven't seen someone for quite a long time that we will soon be getting a renewal with these people.  We just have to be willing if it was a departure on a bad note to make sure to remain open to renewal that is to come.

If it is a positive renewal make sure we know the full meaning of why these people are coming back into our lives and take them for the blessings that they are!!
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Friday, October 22, 2010

Hello all that time again!!

Light within all living beingsImage by Unitopia via FlickrOk just wanted to share the angel card with you all!!  Here it is the following:

Career Transition

The Archangel Chamuel is saying your life purpose is triggering a blessed career change.

The angel is telling us here, that everything that we have been striving for and that we feel we have a purpose for in life, and our MAIN purpose, is about to be triggered!! This will be a very very blessed event for us and the career that we have been longing for will FINALLY come to be!!

So PLEASE don't doubt that this will never happen for you and that dream that you have been wanting WILL happen ok....just have to KNOW it is JUST AROUND THE CORNER!!!!

Ok I hope that you all got what you needed out of that one!!  I shall talk to you all next time!!

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Want the tarot card for today??

The FoolImage by ξωαŋ ThΦt via FlickrHello all!!!  The tarot card for today is the following:

The Fool

This card means unexpected change of direction.  If you let your things go of /from the past and LET your life go as you WANT it things will change quite unexpectedly for you!!  I feel you are being pushed to this path so that you can find a HAPPIER exsistence then you are already living.

With it being in the reversed position, it shows that if you don't take this change of direction, YOU will alsways be wondering WHAT IF all the take the chance NOW and go with the change that is about to happen for you!!
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Just wanted to share!!

I know in these difficult times of finances we try to look for afforadable car insurance, life insurance, any type of expense that we need.  I have come across a website that will be able to help you with the car insurance at least here is the link for it:

The will help you to get the most afforable insurance out there WITHOUT digging deep into your pocket which we ALL need in this day in age!  They offer auto insurance rates and quotes.  Certainly try to give them a look to see if they can help you!!

Here is the link again if you need it again!!  :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Hello All!! The angel card for today is....

Archangel Jehudiel (lit. "Praise of God&q...Image via WikipediaHello!!  Wanted to share the angel card today with you all!!  :)  It is the following:


The archangel sandalphon is saying your prayers have been heard and answered, have faith.

This is saying that something that you have been longing for, for a very, very, VERY long time is about to come true for you.  With my other blog that I posted on, the card was similar to this one.  So someone in particular reading both of my blogs really needs to hear its message today and ACT upon whatever it is that you have been praying so hard for!!! 

I really hope that this makes sense to the person reading this and is to make sense it is coming to me PRETTY STRONGLY that your prayer REALLY WAS heard!! 

Ok until tomorrow!!  :D  Hope you all have a great night!!
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Friday, October 15, 2010

The Tarot Card For Today is...

The Ace of Cups was named after the tarot card...Image via WikipediaHello everyone!!  Just wanted to share with you all the card for today!!  The card is the following:

Ace of cups in the reversed position

This card means love and fertility.  With this in the reversed position this would show that even though you feel a strong love for someone and you think it maybe a great thing it very well could turn out NOT to be such a good thing. 

I feel that this person could very well come into your life JUST as a learning lesson and IF you don't take it like that you WILL end up getting hurt AND with a POSSIBLE child that you will come to think many times of over the years about what you have done.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Angel Card Today??

Echeveria glauca 'Topsy Turvy', located outdoo...Image via WikipediaHi there everyone!!  I know it has been close to a week since I last updated and I am so sorry about that. :(  Just have some things/issues going on right now.  Sorry to have it effect my work...:(  But I did want to update my blogs and here is this one with today's card!!!  It was the following:


The Archangel Johpiel is saying go outside, get some fresh air, and connect with nature to relieve stress and gain new, creative ideas.

This is saying to FORGET about your troubles right now and go out and get some fresh air and let THAT help you to see waht you need to do to accomplish what it is you desire the most!!  Just have to make sure you do that...take that step to go outside and commune with nature basically is what this is saying. 

Don't become discouraged, the help from the fresh air will help you to figure things out...just don't let yourself be STUCK indoors any longer this isn't accomplishing anything for you!!

Ok now until tomorrow!!

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hey all!! Tarot card today?

Hi everyone....just wanted to share the card for today with you and it is the following:
Tarot Sport


This means renewal in the celtic dragon tarot deck.

With it meaning renewal, it shows your about to get a renewal with someone from your past.  Someone that you may have been on the outs with and will come back around together with each other and be able to make things better between you!!

So with this renewal coming this will be a good thing as it will be able to open up alot more doors that may have been blocked before.  It is a chance to let the dead/old ways go and MOVE FORWARD!!

Ok hope you all liked this!!  Until next time!
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Saturday, October 2, 2010

Angel Card Today??

Harlequin HarmonyImage by Amadeus Varadi Hellequin via Flickr Hello all that time again!!  Just wanted to share with you all (my fine subscribers) :D  the angel card for today!!  That card is the following:


The Archangel Haniel is saying trust and follow your renewed passion in your love life and career.

This is saying that you have to have the trust that you haven't been feeling for a long time brought back to you.  As it shows you will soon be getting a renewed passion for things in life once again.  Like things are going to be well worth while again. 

It also shows you will have something in your career change as if you are unemployed or have been unemployed for a long time or just looking for something new it shows that it will be coming to you something that you have a PASSION for and you will never want to give it up!!

Ok hope you all got this!  Until next time!!
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