The angel draw for today is the following:
Remember who you are
The Archangel Micheal is saying you are a powerful, loving, and creative child of GOD. You are so very loved.
This is saying if you feel down and out and you feel like you don't think ANYONE is there for you REMEMBER our dear lord and savior is here for you in your rough time and need!!
He sent his angels to look after you and make sure that you KNOW who you are AND REMEMBER who you are!! REMEMBER that you DO have a creative side, so if anyone try's to tell you differently just pay them no mind!!
Become a strong person in whom you are and keep that powerful mind up and centered!! Just remember god loves you just as you are and NO ONE can ever take that away from you no matter WHO might try and tear you down, or what circumstances!!
Ok hope this helped someone this evening and until tom or the next day!! Hope you enjoyed it!!!