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Thank you so much for finding my page! I hope you ENJOY what you read here and get inspiration from it, as that is what the object of this blog is for!!

I will pull a daily angel and tarot card and help you with whatever problems/troubles you may be having and that you seek GODS guidance on!!

Thanks again for locating me and have fun browsing my blog!!


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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Angel draw for tonight....

Spiritual BoundaryImage by vincos via FlickrHi all!!!  Just wanted to share the card with you all for tonight!!  The card was the following:


The Archangel Raguel is saying notice your recurring physical and emotional feelings as they are divine guidance.

This is telling us to make sure that we pay close attention to what we keep feeling OVER AND OVER again...this is a clue into what we should be looking into for ourselves.  If we feel a very empty void in our lives and not sure which way to go it is saying to LOOK INTO how you feel DAILY and this is gods way of GUIDING you into what way you should go and which direction to take!!

The recurring state is what is the biggest clue here and which shows us what we NEED to do, to feel that void in our lives.  So trust in yourself and GOD to get to the next step/chapter of your life.  Don't let things hold you back on what you THINK others would feel about it!!
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Monday, May 2, 2011

Hello all tarot card for today...

Four of Cups from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck                                      Image via WikipediaJust wanted to share the tarot card for today and it is the following:

Four of cups

In this card it is saying about old memories and disatisfaction.  This is saying to make sure that our memories don't guide us into making the wrong decision in our lives because of thinking of the past to much.  This shows to make sure we don't continue the same mistakes in future relationships because of thinking about the past as well.

This shows that memories are ok as ways to fall back on BUT not to dwell on them to ruin any future thing that may come into play.  So be open to any new relationship or job or whatever it may be and be willing to go further with whatever it is!!

So I hope this helped someone and until next time!!
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