Thanks so much for browsing!

Thank you so much for finding my page! I hope you ENJOY what you read here and get inspiration from it, as that is what the object of this blog is for!!

I will pull a daily angel and tarot card and help you with whatever problems/troubles you may be having and that you seek GODS guidance on!!

Thanks again for locating me and have fun browsing my blog!!


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Monday, September 12, 2011

Angel draw for today....

archange arielImage via WikipediaHello all!!  Here is an angel card for today to help give you guidance and hope!!  The card was the following:


The Archangel Ariel is saying your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.

This shows to USE your intuition to guide yourself into the path that you TRULY want to go into!!  Don't just settle for any old job to help you make it in this world.  You HAVE to do something that is going to make you HAPPY and FULFILLED!!  So PLEASE listen to your intuition and listen closely to what it is telling and guiding you to to for your peace of mind and health so you can live the MOST fulfilling life that there is possible to live!!!

I hope this has helped you and until next time!!!
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My own business

My own business

The Author of this post is Solomon Dejesus

I’ve always wanted to own my own business but I never knew exactly what I wanted to do. When I moved out here to the country I thought that dream was pretty much out but after a few years with just me and my horses I began to get restless.  That’s when it hit me: why don’t I do something with horses? I’m now going on one full year as a professional rider and I have to tell you, I love it! Most of my clients hire me to break in their horses or teach them to jump and the like but all I care about is getting to spend all day with the animals.  I had to upgrade my stable and get a satellite connection at home but other than that it’s been a pretty easy transition from living in the country to running a business in the country. The extra income’s great and it’s so nice working for myself and not sitting behind a desk all day long!