Ten of Wands from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Hello all! Just wanted to share the
tarot card of the night with you!! It is the following:
Ten of Wands
This card is in the reversed position. It means struggles and competitions. This shows that your trying everything and anything to climb up out of that ditch and hole that you find yourself in. You are so desperate to find out WHY you are still going through these struggles.
It shows that you will soon be able to find out WHY this is still going on, and be able to kick whoever OR whatever it is that is causing you this OUT of your life.
As it shows that the person or things (jobs/situations) causing this, REALLY isn't worth all the stress and hopeless feelings that you are having at the present time.
So be prepared, to be READY to take control, when you finally see these things for what they truly are! They are just blocks standing in your way for you to be TRULY what YOU want to be and NOT what anyone else wants you to be!! It is like a constant struggle to always do what YOU want to do and others just be like, hey this is how I want things, and that is how it is going to be! It won't be like that any longer as I said, because you will find that strength not to have these burdens anymore!!
Ok until next time and I hope this REALLY made sense to someone out there, I truly do!!