Ten of Cups from the Rider-Waite Tarot deck (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Ten of cups
This card is in the upright position and means goals reached and contentment. This shows that you are feeling very content right now with things around you and your life, and you are very happy with this, as you should be. It shows that you have reached a very particular goal for yourself as well.
You have been doubting if this was really going to happen for you (the goal) and were just going with the flow, so now you don't have to go with just the flow, as you know now that things are the way they are suppose to be!!
So the feelings of contentment and happiness are here to stay for a very long time as things are in the right place and order right now! Be proud of yourself that this has finally happened and don't let go of that feeling you have at this particular moment and point in your life!
Ok hope this helped someone out there and until next time!!